CyberBiz Academy

Discover CyberBiz Academy’s 6-week program, designed to jumpstart your career in the business side of the cybersecurity industry. With government-funded training, expert instruction, and hands-on experience, you’ll be well-prepared to excel in various business development roles. Begin your journey today!
ThriveDX CyberPulse Training Alliance

Seize this opportunity to elevate your technology exposure, shape the future workforce, and become a thought leader in the cybersecurity industry. Partner with us and make an impact today.
ThriveDX Wins Gold and Silver at 2023 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards

ThriveDX Enterprise CEO Roy Zur was named a Gold Winner as the Top Cybersecurity Educator of the Year in North America. The company also received a Silver for the Best Cybersecurity Education Provider in North America.
Securing IoT Devices and Remote Workforces Post-COVID

The COVID-19 crisis has caused major disruptions in workforce dynamics, like the ability to deploy IoT devices from anywhere.
Smishing vs Phishing vs Vishing: What’s the Difference?

Phishing, Smishing, Vishing – What exactly are the differences and why are they so dangerous for B2B / enterprise environments?
The Crucial Role Human Factor Security Plays in the Hybrid Office

Remote workers tripled between 2019 and 2021. What are working from home security risks? Finally, a work from home security checklist.